5 things we can learn from Saint Philomena
Saint Philomena is the virgin martyr whom we have been speaking about recently in our series of article instalments about her holy life and glorious martyrdom for Our Lord Jesus Christ that culminated in her attaining everlasting happiness in heaven. Here are some virtues we can learn from her:
Her purity – Saint Philomena chose horrible and inhumane tortures (she was even scourged to the point where no visible flesh could be seen on her) over succumbing to the indecent advances of the Roman Emperor. This was despite the fact that she was a mere 12-13 year old. We can attribute Saint Philomena’s steadfastness to purity to God’s graces and her response to those graces. Being in a corrupt and unchaste world ourselves, we should imitate this virgin martyr, who at a tender age, preferred to suffer and die rather than forgo her purity.
Her fidelity to the true God and the Catholic Faith - One dominant theme in Saint Philomena’s short but saintly life on earth was her unwavering fidelity to God’s commandments and the Catholic Faith, in spite of the risks of losing her life. When the Roman Emperor and his servants sought to tempt and force her to give up her Catholic Faith and vow of virginity she made to Our Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Philomena staunchly renounced all such temptations while at the same time recommending herself entirely to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother Mary. Again, with God’s grace and the Blessed Virgin Mary’s intercession, Saint Philomena’s faithfulness to God’s teachings when faced with pagan persecutors accompanied her to the very end of her life.
Her courage - Neither the devious emperor nor his cruel subordinates could daunt this child-saint Philomena, for her courage (inspired by God the Holy Ghost) prevailed and prompted her to firmly renounce all the mockeries, insults and seductions flung at her. Even her own parents’ pleas to give into the Emperor’s demands could not move this courageous girl saint. Her God was her all. Nothing else mattered.
Her innocence – Not only did Saint Philomena vow her virginity to Our Lord Jesus Christ, she also maintained a clean conscience, resolving never to offend Almighty God even in the midst of the most terrible trials when she was imprisoned by the ruthless Roman emperor. Her disposition remained pure and her intentions were only for the glory of God when she refused the offers of earthly riches and glory in favor of an excruciating martyrdom.
Her boundless confidence in Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary – Saint Philomena’s example is a gentle reminder to all of us that regardless of the tribulations we may find ourselves in, we have to immediately seek refuge in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Immaculate. Together, the Hearts of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary are our comfort and sanctuaries, we need only to have boundless confidence in them (just like Saint Philomena did when she was awaiting her martyrdom) and trust that the sorrows of Jesus and His Virgin Mother Mary will render our crosses ever sweet to bear.