2. St. Philomena the Great Wonder Worker
Great indeed are the miracles wrought by our dear little Saint Philomena and
yet how few of us actually know them! This child saint is indeed shining
gloriously in heaven and interceding for us poor sinners on earth in this vale
of tears. Almighty God has indeed bestowed numerous favors on account of
the interecession of Saint Philomena, whose heroic fidelity to the Catholic Faith
and her virginity to Our Lord Jesus Christ merited her the glorious crown of martyrdom.
One notable historical case of the miracles worked by Saint Philomena would be during Saint John Marie Vianney’s (the Cure of Ars) life. The latter often invoked his “dear little saint” for help whenever he worked miracles for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls. This saintly parish priest attributed his miracles to Saint Philomena’s intercession! Another interesting fact is that Saint John Marie Vianney used to exhort his faithful in his parish to pray unceasingly to Saint Philomena because she is “so agreeable to God” that God will “never refuse her anything she asks of us”.
Moreover, countless wonderful miracles have taken place at Saint Philomena’s holy shrine in Mugnano, Italy since her relics arrived at the church. People young and old from all walks of life have invoked her intercession only to be richly rewarded in terms of an increase in their virtues, a healing of a physical ailment and/or the improvement of a difficult life situation they found themselves in. Indeed, it is Divine Providence that allows for the relics of this great child saint to be discovered in 1802 after centuries of obscurity – to provide us on earth with yet another powerful heavenly aid to turn towards in these modern times of faithlessness, confusion and turmoil.
- “Pax Tecum, Filumena” “Peace be with you, Filumena.” -