As ardent Catholics, the role of Fatima in our lives cannot be reduced to a mere insignificance and inessential occurrence of faith. Innumerable books and speeches on the role of the apparitions of Fatima in the world have been penned to reflect the pre-eminence of God and the need for countless conversions: themes put into our hearts by our Lady of Fatima.
Hence, the new "Brief Catechism on Fatima" is a booklet which should be placed in every household; read intensely on an individual basis, or as part of a dedicated reading experience as a family. The 16-page booklet answers the numerous questions one always has with regards to Fatima. It gives us clarity of mind and creates a deeper devotion within our hearts to the Most Holy Trinity, our Blessed Mother and imbeds a glowing desire within us to pray for the reparation of the many offences against God.
The Booklet answers 33 most burning questions in 4 short Lessons: i) The Apparitions at Fatima; ii) The Secret of Fatima; iii) The Third Secret & The Crisis in the Church and iv) Practicing Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.